


IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please read carefully, as this information will apply to your package tour with Reykjavik Culture Travel. Reykjavik Culture Travel and you, the passenger, will be bound by all of the terms and conditions given below.
Iceland is a part of the Schengen Agreement. For details on general visas, passport requirements and health information, please view the official website of the Iceland Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
It is the passengers’ responsibility to ensure that they are in possession of all necessary travel and health documents before departure, including a passport that is valid for at least 3 months after the return travel date. Reykjavik Culture Travel (RCT) cannot accept liability if you are refused entry onto any transport or into any country due to a failure on your part to carry any necessary documentation. If a failure to have any necessary travel or other documents results in fines, surcharges or other financial penalties imposed on RCT, you will be responsible for reimbursing RCT accordingly. In case RCT will be asked to re-issue tickets that have been lost, destroyed or stolen, and RCT agrees to do so, any charges incurred as a result of this will be payable by the passenger.

1. Booking
All bookings must be made in writing by e-mail to your contact agent at RCT or to bookings@reykjavikculturetravel.is. Every detail must be included in the e-mail to ensure efficiency of processing. This includes each traveler’s name, flight information, all requirements and special needs which should be included in the booking. The person who makes the booking accepts responsibility for the whole party, and, in particular, for payment for all persons travelling. You must be at least 18 years old to make a booking. RCT will confirm the booking with a written confirmation/invoice. A 20% deposit must be paid by the time of the booking to confirm the reservation. A full payment must be made 8 weeks prior to departure. Travel documents and vouchers will be sent as soon as full payment has been made. For bookings made less than 8 weeks before departure, full payment is required at the time of booking.

2. Payment
A non-refundable deposit of 20% of the total package price should be paid by the time of the booking. Full payment must reach RCT no later than 8 weeks prior to departure. If the final payment does not reach us within the specified time, we reserve the right to cancel all arrangements made on your behalf and retain the previously paid deposit.

3. Prices
As our packages are primarily tailor-made according to each customer’s requests, our prices are also created accordingly. The correct price of the package is given before a booking is confirmed unless other arrangements have been approved between both parties. We issue prices in following currencies: EUR, USD and GBP, and usually per person unless other arrangements have been approved. RCT reserves the right to add certain specified additional charges to the price of your booking such as, for example, over a 10% change in currency, or a fuel surcharge, in the event that there may be increased costs or if an airline raises rates or imposes surcharges. However, no changes will be made less than 30 days before your departure. Should prices be reduced as a result of the same changes mentioned above, the price adjustment will be credited to you. In the event of price increases of more than 10%, you retain the right to cancel your booking at no charge, with a full refund of all amounts paid. Should you wish to cancel your booking, as mentioned above, notification of this must be received by RCT to your agent or the address below, at least 14 days from the date of the new invoice showing the increase in price. Please note that some flight prices require a local airport fee to be paid in cash by the passenger. Such costs are not included in the agreed price for the booking.

4. Changes made by customer
Should you wish to change your booking after it has been confirmed, the request must be sent in writing by e-mail or letter. Please understand changes according to clients’ requests are not always possible, but RCT will do everything possible to accommodate our clients. You might be requested to pay a cancellation or changing fee according to suppliers’ demand.

5. Cancellation
All cancellations must be sent to RCT in writing, by e-mail or letter, and must be confirmed by RCT in order to be valid. In conformity with the Reykjavík Culture Travel industry’s business practices, the client will be charged cancellation fees on the total price package according to following list:

Please note: Certain hotels might have stricter cancellation policies than stated above and will exceed the charges shown. Please contact your RCT agent for more information. Cancellation of one or more individuals within a group may cause a price increase for the whole group, and a cancellation fee will apply according to above rules for those cancelled travelers. The counting method for cancellation charges excludes the day of arrival and starts on the date when we receive written notice of cancellation or on the date upon which your cancellation is treated as occurring because of non-payment. A week is counted as seven days.

6. Cancellation made by Reykjavík Culture Travel
RCT reserves the right to cancel a tour if the minimum number of passengers required is not reached or if the event organizers have cancelled the booked event for some reason. The cancellation will be made with as much notice as possible. RCT shall make every effort to provide similar alternative arrangements without additional cost to the client/traveler. Should those alternatives not be suitable for the client/traveler, a full refund will be made of the amount already paid.

RCT disclaims responsibility for any loss, damage, accidents, sickness or changes in schedules resulting from unusual and unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of RCT (e.g. Force Majeure). Such causes include, but are not limited to, acts of nature, labor disputes, or any other irregularities beyond RCT´s control. RCT reserves the right to alter routes, itineraries or departure times without prior notice, should the necessity arise. In case of any changes in flights (domestic and international), the travelers shall pay any additional costs caused by this, at the time the service is provided (extra hotel nights, meals, transfers, etc.).
We advise all travelers to have comprehensive travel insurance to meet all contingencies.

8. General liability
We advise all travelers to have comprehensive travel insurance to meet all contingencies. RCT will not be responsible for any injury, illness, death, loss (for example, loss of enjoyment), damage, expense, costs or other sum or claim of any description whatsoever which results from any of the following:
• The act(s) and/or omission(s) of the traveler(s) affected or any member(s) of their party
• The act(s) and/or omission(s) of a third party not connected with the provision of the services and which were unforeseeable or unavoidable
• Circumstances beyond RCT´s control as defined under Force Majeure
At no time is RCT responsible for indirect (consequential) damages.

9. Insurance
We recommend that our passengers purchase cancellation insurance in case of illness, delays, and/or itinerary changes. Please see above.

10. Complaints
All complaints must be submitted to the travel agency were the booking was made or directly to RCT in writing within 2 weeks (14 days) from the end of the package tour. The complaint must contain the reservation number and a description of the incident as well as any claims made. Otherwise, any potential compensation is invalid.

11. Protection of privacy 
In order to process your reservation, Reykjavík Culture Travel Ltd. will need some basic information. This applies to names, addresses, any special requirements/dietary requirements, etc. We take all precautions to ensure that the information will not be misused. Nevertheless, we must pass on the necessary information to sub-contractors that are involved in your travel plans. This applies to airlines, hotels, transport companies, etc. The information may also be given to credit card companies and government authorities such as customs/immigration if required. We will never give out this type of information to private individuals or companies that are not directly responsible for part(s) of your trip. This particularly applies to sensitive information that you provide us with, such as details on any disabilities, special dietary requirements or religious needs. If you do not accept that we pass on such information if required to do so, we reserve the right to reject your booking. Please note that if you make a booking with an agent/travel agency, it is the agent’s protection of privacy procedures that will apply. RCT will not be held responsible for protection of privacy in other companies. Should you wish to have a copy of personal information that we have registered about you, you are welcome to contact us. RCT will, in some cases, also be interested in contacting you by e-mail and/or telephone with news, information, travel offers and marketing surveys. If you do not wish to be contacted for such purposes, please advise us of this by e-mail or letter.

12. Contact Information
Reykjavík Culture Travel ehf.
Grjótás 4
210 Garðabæ
Tel: + 354 519 5110